Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday Night DML E3D Session - extract

February 04, 2011 - DML E3D Level P session
Do you need a good tracker that you can use to track your partners and see where they go?
To the male facilitator's surprise none of the 5 females wanted to track their male partners. The other males in the session seemed equally surprised. The group discussed some of the options when it comes to accomplishing this, as well as some of the alleged bonuses: you can see much more than where the person is. In fact, with today's digital technologies, you will see where the person is in real-time based on the GPS data, as well as text messages being sent and received. You can also see emails, browser history, phone contact information and call logs - if they are carrying a smartphone (i.e. iPhone).

The participants' questions for our readers are listed below. We would appreciate your responses:
Would you approve of being tracked?
Would you purchase a tracker for your partner?
Would you feel less trusted if you partner requested that you be tracked?
Would you be interested in a method to disable the tracker?
Would you consider wedding rings a form of tracking?

1 comment:

  1. That sounded like an interesting discussion. Businesses get to see all that information about their employees, don't they? Why are businesses becoming more intimate than marriage? But to answer your question, I would definitely not purchase a tracker for my partner because then I would be tracked tracking and probably cornered and yes maybe wedding rings are a primitive form of tracking.
