Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Electronically Filing a Patent requires critical digital literacy

When we got to the Step 5 section of the diagram the site started challenging the Fonts embedded in our PDF document. A few top content management staff was summons to address the following error messages and get the patent filed. After the event, one neophtype asked whether this was a good example of critical digital literacy. The other members smiled as to imply Absolutely!

The attached PDF file references a non-embedded font: ArialMT. Please remove file, embed the font and reattach.
The attached PDF file references a non-embedded font: TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT. Please remove file, embed the font and reattach.
The attached PDF file references a non-embedded font: TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT. Please remove file, embed the font and reattach.
The attached PDF file references a non-embedded font: Verdana. Please remove file, embed the font and reattach.
The attached PDF file references a non-embedded font: Verdana-Bold. Please remove file, embed the font and reattach.
The attached PDF file references a non-embedded font: TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT. Please remove file, embed the font and reattach.


  1. I had the same issue and spent hours on this, and overcame by using free online convertor http://www.freepdfconvert.com/ - hope it helps

  2. Did you solve this? Trying to submit right now and no idea how to fix the error.

  3. It didn't solve it for me, still getting the same errors (convert WORD doc to PDF)
